lunes, 4 de febrero de 2013

Preparando el Clash of Kings (VIII)

Ya estamos en la recta final... esta semana volamos a Manchester para participar en el Clash of Kings Tournament de Mantic Games. El primer gran torneo que esta nueva compañía organiza de su juego Kings of War.

Nuestras listas definitiivas se enviaron el miércoles pasado, por lo que ya sólo nos queda terminar las miniaturas que faltan de pintar, decorar peanas y concentrarnos para llegar con la mente despejada y dispuestos a pasarnoslo a lo grande, y para muestra un botón.

Y estas son las fotos de los ejércitos... pero no desesperéis, al final encontraréis las listas :-)


Y por fin mis enanos:

Y por fin las listas, para los curiosos:

1800pt Kingdoms of Men Roster (Standard)Kingdoms of Men (Standard) Selections:

Solid Units (1575pts)

Knights Regiment (175pts)
Crushing Strength (2), Headstrong
Knights Regiment (175pts)
Crushing Strength (2), Headstrong
Knights Regiment (175pts)
Crushing Strength (2), Headstrong
Knights Regiment (175pts)
Crushing Strength (2), Headstrong

Mounted Sergeants Regiment (125pts)
Crushing Strength (1)

Ogre Shooter Regiment (225pts)
Crushing Strength (1), Heavy Crossbows (rifles)
Ogre Shooter Regiment (225pts)
Crushing Strength (1), Heavy Crossbows (rifles)

Pike Phalanx Horde (205pts)
Pike Phalanx, Brew of Strength (25pts) (Brew of Strength)
Pike Phalanx Regiment (95pts)
Pike Phalanx

Heroes/ Monsters (225pts)

Army Standard Bearer (35pts)
Individual, Very Inspiring, Horse (5pts)
Army Standard Bearer (35pts)
Individual, Very Inspiring, Horse (5pts)
Army Standard Bearer (35pts)
Individual, Very Inspiring, Horse (5pts)

Hero (60pts)
Crushing Strength (1), Individual, Horse (10pts)
Hero (60pts)
Crushing Strength (1), Individual, Horse (10pts)

1800pt Orcs Roster (Standard)Orcs (Standard) Selections:

Solid Units (1470pts)

Ax Regiment (90pts)
Ax Regiment (90pts)
Ax Regiment (90pts)

Gore Riders Regiment (150pts)
Crushing Strength (2)
Gore Riders Regiment (150pts)
Crushing Strength (2)
Gore Riders Regiment (150pts)
Crushing Strength (2)

Morax Regiment (150pts)
Morax Regiment (150pts)
Morax Regiment (150pts)
Morax Regiment (150pts)
Morax Regiment (150pts)

Units (50pts)

Orclings (25pts)
No Crushing Strength, Vicious
Orclings (25pts)
No Crushing Strength, Vicious

Heroes/ Monsters (280pts)

Flagger (35pts)
Individual, Inspiring, Gore (5pts)
Flagger (35pts)
Individual, Inspiring, Gore (5pts)
Flagger (35pts)
Individual, Inspiring, Gore (5pts)
Flagger (35pts)
Individual, Inspiring, Gore (5pts)
Flagger (35pts)
Individual, Inspiring, Gore (5pts)
Flagger (35pts)
Individual, Inspiring, Gore (5pts)
Flagger (35pts)
Individual, Inspiring, Gore (5pts)
Flagger (35pts)
Individual, Inspiring, Gore (5pts)

1800pt Dwarfs Roster (Standard)Dwarfs (Standard) Selections:

Solid Units (980pts)

Bulwarkers Horde (270pts)
Phalanx, Brew of Strength (25pts) (Brew of Strength)
Bulwarkers Regiment (125pts)
Bulwarkers Regiment (125pts)

Ironclad Horde (210pts)

Ironclad Regiment (125pts)
Throwing Mastiffs (15pts)
Ironclad Regiment (125pts)
Throwing Mastiffs (15pts)

War Engines (510pts)

Ironbelcher Cannon (85pts)
Blast (2d6+1), Elite (if within 6" of a Warsmith), Grapeshot, Piercing (4)
Ironbelcher Cannon (85pts)
Blast (2d6+1), Elite (if within 6" of a Warsmith), Grapeshot, Piercing (4)
Ironbelcher Cannon (85pts)
Blast (2d6+1), Elite (if within 6" of a Warsmith), Grapeshot, Piercing (4)
Ironbelcher Cannon (85pts)
Blast (2d6+1), Elite (if within 6" of a Warsmith), Grapeshot, Piercing (4)
Ironbelcher Cannon (85pts)
Blast (2d6+1), Elite (if within 6" of a Warsmith), Grapeshot, Piercing (4)
Ironbelcher Cannon (85pts)
Blast (2d6+1), Elite (if within 6" of a Warsmith), Grapeshot, Piercing (4)

Heroes/ Monsters (310pts)

Army Standard Bearer (30pts)
Individual, Inspiring
Army Standard Bearer (30pts)
Individual, Inspiring

Battle Driller (50pts)
Crushing Strength (1), Individual
Battle Driller (50pts)
Crushing Strength (1), Individual

Warsmith (75pts)
Crushing Strength (1), Individual, Inspiring (War Engines only)
Warsmith (75pts)
Crushing Strength (1), Individual, Inspiring (War Engines only)

Y con esto y un bizcocho... hasta mañana, si hay más novedades.

5 comentarios:

  1. Mucha suerte, a ver si sos traéis unos cuantos premios para acá.

    Pero lo importante es que paséis un buen rato.

    P.D.: Me gustan las minis de los humanos ¿De que marca son?

  2. Perry y Warlord... y si no me equivoco hay algunas antiguas de grenadier

  3. Mucha suerte Carl! Y para tus amigos también!

  4. Qué envidia!!!
    Todo pintado y dispuesto para jugar en le extranjero.
    Los que no jugamos la champions nos conformamos con el torneo de Quimera que preparas (que no es poco).
    Bueno, muchísima suerte

  5. Adriano no desesperes... lo mio es como el refrán "A la vejez viruelas" XDDD
    Esta es una oportunidad única y hay que aprovecharla y más si se va con amigos.
    Esperemos que un día cercano la afición aquí sea igual de grande y podamos hacer un torneo asi.



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